I'm starting a Song of the Day Blog for 2012. Music is very important to me and I'd love to share the songs that effect me and stir something in my soul.
There's no better way to start this project off than with my favorite band, James. If challenged to list my top 10 favorite James songs, #2-10 are constantly in flux but #1 is always "Sound".
I discovered James in college while used CD shopping with my friend, Derek. I was amused by a poster for their "Laid" album and found the title track to be wonderfully fun. Several months later I earned a gig as an overnight DJ at the college radio station. It was then I gave the entire album a complete listen and was instantly hooked. James became a mainstay of my radio show. The radio station was also where I first met Mike and the music of James played an important role in our growing close and falling in love.
The album "Seven" quickly became my favorite. The first few listens "Sound" just kind of went by. It wasn't that I didn't like it, I thought it a lovely song, but it didn't reach out and grab me right away. I don't the exact moment that "Sound" first blew me away, but I do know that the music reached me and took over. It's a song you can become lost in. It's beautiful, comforting and heartbreaking all at the same time.
In fall of 2010 I finally got to see James perform live. The whole show was an amazing and emotional experience for me. When "Sound" started tears ran down my face. It was magical.
"Ape your father's sins, your mother's mood swings to perfection.
Fall into a spin, shed another skin, strip away all your protection.
Laugh at the wonder of it all.
Laugh so loud you break the fall and you see the gathering clouds.
Cry at the sadness of the world.
Cry so long you break it's cold and you hear the gathering sounds.
Do everything you fear. In this there's power. Fear is not to be afraid of.
Laugh at the wonder of it all.
Laugh so loud you break your fall and you hear the gathering sounds.
Come, dip on in. Leave your bones, leave your skin.
Leave your past, leave your craft.
Leave your suffering heart."
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